PAJ Group Holding


Neplipp IVS is an incubator company, which searches for ideas/projects. The best ideas/projects are later on chosen to be brought from idea to a product.



Neplipp IVS is an incubator company, which searches for ideas/projects. The best ideas/projects are later on chosen to be brought from idea to a product.

Neplipp only chooses ideas and projects that are technology based. These technological ideas must be unknown so Nepllip IVS can patent it in and must have a serious market potential.

Through the incubator phase the business plan will be worked out together with the prototype. Nepllip IVS has a very strong network. Through this network we are able to handle the development of needed technologies.

Once ideas have a prototype and business plan and are sales-ready, they are made as a new company.

Opportunities for Investors

If you are an investor interested in getting involved with business opportunities based on technological innovation, we would love to hear from you, whether you would like to invest in an existing project or are looking for a partner with technical expertise for a new idea.

Contact information can be found here.